For Teams and Work Places
With 20 years of own management experience in international non-governmental organizations (NGOS), a PhD and 25 years of experience as trainer, I (Jonathan) have spent the last 6 years as independent trainer, coach, and mediator with contracts in easily more than 50 different companies and organizations, accompanying individuals and teams and delivering trainings.

The training offer for companies include 1 or 2 day trainings in presentation skills, team building, and stress and energy management. My methods are off the beaten track. They include a neuroscience approach to how our brain functions and how we can use our bodies and our energy field to resolve difficulties. I usually use Human Design as ‘team personality tool’ to delve deeper into the personal mechanics of each team member and how the alignment between those differences can make the whole team more effective than the sum of the individuals involved.

I usually involve phases of individual coaching in teambuilding, presentation skills on dealing with difficulties, or conflict resolution processes to strengthen individual resilience, potential, and communication capacities. As with all my approaches, coaching departs from and creates the possibility that every team members power and ability to achieve their goals in the team are already fully present. I have a particular focus on managers and forms of leadership that holistically gets what makes others thrive and come into their potential, and while expanding yourself so others can too. I often include Human Design in the individual sessions to support the team process with this tool.

Mediation is a tool, a process, and a principle approach to better understand, resolve, or even repair relations among people. It can take a formal character - in most EU countries regulated by law - and a more informal character. Its benefits are wide reaching, from avoiding lengthy and costly court cases, such as employment tribunals, to the actual opportunity to restore relations and/or open up new, innovative future joint opportunities. For teams, mediation techniques allow deep seated change that can address past hurt, resolve festering problems that seem stuck, and potentially restore relations to an extent that a previously non-functioning team may in fact become an efficient and effective group of people with high personal well-being. Q3T offers mostly ‘informal mediation facilitation’ rather formal work place mediation under Belgian law. Further explanation on mediation see here.
For more information and discussion on your needs please contact me.

In certain cases you may also use the facilities of Casa LoJeMa for teambuilding or conflict resolution processes with me, giving you a beautiful energy field (lit by the EE-System) for an out of the office day.
Please contact me for further information: Jonathan Beger njbeger[at]q3t[dot]eu