The Energy Enhancement System
You are breathing all the light of God. You have access to everything you need to function even more perfectly. It is the activation of the light in the core of DNA. The core of DNA is the stuff from the stars. It is the light within us. We are bodies of light and so decades my work was called Body of Light. It is about this embodiment of our light and that's what's good for us. It is very interesting. It's like turning the light back on, and that gives the body the energy to improve anything and everything.
Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, inventor of the EE-System

The Energy Enhancement System is an invention of Dr Sandra Rose Michael (Ph.D, DNM, DCSJI). A pinnacle of two decades of research and innovation. The technology generates multiple bio-active waves that are life enhancing energy fields. These waves allow cell regeneration, may improve immune function, may provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and may assist in balancing right and left brain hemispheres. It also may have a profound impact on your spiritual well-being and the way you relate to others, as well as significantly increasing your energy levels. It works on humans and animals alike. However, the EE-System (and we) never provide medical diagnosis, treatment, or advise.

This technology merges science, body, mind, and spirit to promote higher states of consciousness, health, and self-actualisation. It uses custom-installed computers callibrated very precisely. They generate morphogenic energy fields, including scalar waves, electromagnetic fields, and magnetic fields. Scalar waves are fifth-dimensional, non-linear waves that have always existed and are well-known in astrophysics, geology, and hydro-dynamics. The EE System generates energy fields in a controlled and specific way, which enhances the benefits and the potential of their impact. It interacts with the body's natural energy field. This interaction can lead to increased cellular energy and optimal health potential.

The EE System has been recognized internationally at dozens of medical, scientific, and professional conferences around the world.
If this sounds exiting to you, please check out the beautiful video descriptions of how this all works by Jason Shurka the founder of UNIFYD (our center is a member of UNIFYD) or Dr. Sandra Rose Michael herself.