    “People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
    - Theodore Roosevelt -

"I experience the EE-System as team member during a retreat. After 15 minutes in the EE room the team was zen and connected, we remained less tired throughout the days, and less flare-ups. Aches and pains were reduced faster, my migraine left within a day. Break times in the center gave deep rest and sleep followed quickly. I experienced lucid dreams and many downloads offering clarity on what a next call to action is to be. While writing this, my body is tingling in the remembrance of the energetic bath."

Shamna, May 2024

“I experienced the energy room as a deep relaxation where I could feel that my whole body vibrated and was healing on a deeper level. For just on hour in the room I got to the feeling that I had rested for 24 hours.” 

Jessica, May 2024

“Stepping into the EE center is like arriving on a peaceful oasis. One forgets immediately that the world outside even exists. Even a brief rest in this center reduces the feeling of tiredness and removes any notion of exhaustion. Resting here longer is simply magic!” 

Sam, May 2024

“This energy system is insane! I have experienced a relaxation so deep, wow I have never felt that before. It has taken away my headaches several times, feeling like new after. I highly recommend going there, it will bring you light and peace.” 

Laura, May 2024

“Tranquility: for the first time ever I was able to sleep and experience deep rest and recovery during day time!” 

Ron, May 2024

“I have experienced the EE-System 5 days in a row for at least 1 hour a day. As soon as you enter the room you can feel the difference in energy. I feel it penetrate and vibrate inside my bones, I feel dark clouds of energy leaving my body… After a few days my joints felt more flexible, my bowels had calmed down and I felt more energized in general. Definitely works deep into cleansing your energy system and detoxifying your phyiscal body. Even just one hour makes you feel like a different person” 

Fien, May 2024

“The moment I sat down I felt tingling through my whole body. But especially in the parts that are always sore and painful. I felt a great relaxation and rejuvenation going on while I was there. The hours after I felt a lot of energy, I didn’t need coffee! During the retreat my body was able to process the energy expansion very fast and very easy. And I had the most relaxing, rejuvenating sleep with amazing dreams. Definitely recommended!”

Laya, May 2024

“From a deep straight away relaxation going through a larger inner peace, ease and higher vibratory frequency. This is all I can feel already after 2 hours in the EE-System. I have also experienced a decrease effect on my inflammation in my elbow (I carry a tennis elbow inflammation)!”

Mireya, May 2024

Proof that the world is healing

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